Hyperion Labs Organization in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

Hyperion Labs

Hyperion Labs Armor & Weapons market sector Hyperion Labs seeks to push the forefront of personal military equipment. Hyperion Labs supplies elite military and paramilitary forces with only the most dangerous armaments and the most protective and versatile armor. Having enough credits to pay for equipment is not always enough buy their product. Hyperion Labs customers are part of an elite and rarified strata. If an individual can’t properly represent the Hyperion Labs brand, then they won’t be sold anything. Customers with SOC of 7 or less may find it difficult for Hyperion Labs sales associates to make deals, even if they can pay for equipment outright. The public facing members of the company take great pride in the exclusivity of their products and the prestige of their jobs. Most feel that the ‘rabble’ shouldn’t even be allowed to look through the windows. The CEO of Hyperion Labs is Otrera Ephesus. She is a member of the Ephesus royal family and a highly decorated former Colonel in the Army. She served 12 years and in the front lines of several conflicts earning both accommodations and scars for her efforts. Although she believes that social standing is far from the measure of the man, she spends more of her time testing equipment and demonstrating features for corporate and military clients. If she knew how her company behaved, she would undoubtedly be incensed.


Hyperion Labs Sells: Battle Dress, Energy Weapons, Heavy Weapons (man portable (except for the FGMP), Grenade Weapons, and Explosives (Except for the Pocket Nuke). Customers with SOC of 7 or less may struggle to make purchases. Hyperion Labs Buys:
  • Hyperion Labs has no standard interest in buying.
Services Provided:
  • Repair (Hyperion Labs weapons and armor).
Work Provided:
  • Hyperion Labs has no standard interest in contracting work.
Founding Date
1100 3I


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