CSS Rising Shadow: Session 05 Welcome to Drinax. Report Report in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

CSS Rising Shadow: Session 05 Welcome to Drinax. Report

General Summary

Thirday-forday, 053-054 1106 3I   The new interns of The Shadow of the Rose corporation have been dispatched to the Drinax system to the floating palace of Drinax to meet with the King and princess of Drinax. This takes two jumps and a day to refuel The floating palace is the last remains of the old Sindal empire that ruled from Drinax. The Aslan totally devastated the planet with a nuclear bombardment 200 years ago. They left the floating palace and no one is sure why they did. The crew meets the royal court of the palace for breakfast where Princess Rao lays out a plan to bring back the kingdom of Drinax to its former glory. This does not please Lord Wrax and he lets it be known. Then after breakfast the Princess takes them to a secret door that leads to a hidden port on the palace that the common person does not know about. Here they see and Imperial cruiser being restored. Birdlerher and Vitruvius Galen recognize as the missing capital ship the ISS Dragon Fly that's been missing over an 180 days at least. Next to the cruiser is a 200 year old harrier class raider called the CSS Rising Shadow. Once again Lord Wrax voices his displeasure about them getting his flag ship. The crew spends the day and night moving in and prepping the ship as they get ready to move in. On the morning of the 054 the XO is dispatched by a Nancy Cartwheel of GeDeCo. While the rest of the crew either works on the ship or goes to the Bazaar to find supplies and possibly other goodies. Vitruvius learns that security guard Viktória Čudová life is in danger and his crew has been dispatched to save her life. He is told that she is on her way to Drinax now. On his way back to the hidden port his comm badge goes off with a red alert claxon as well as the rest of the crew comm badges. Two ships have entered the system and one of them is a unregistered ship. Lord Wrax has asked them to investigate.

Rewards Granted

  • CSS Rising Shadow (Harrier Class Raider) 200 years old.
  • Letter of Marque for the Sindel subsector, Tlaiowaha Subsector, and Dpres Subsector.
  • Free Tank of Fuel

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Commodore Jean Paul Pierre
  2. Princess Rao
  3. Prince Harrick
  4. King Oleb
  5. Lord Wrax commander of the Star Guard and Drinax Navy.
  6. Lady Hil
  7. Nancy Cartwheel GeDeCo Junior Excutive
  8. Kasiyl of the Ahroay
  9. Thao Poloc (Imperial Consul)

Created Content

Crews next job is to find Nikola Kráľová (Female Slavic) the security officer who helped them on the island of Arcais. The two securtiy guards that she turned againts were found dead in the GeDeCo securtiy system. GeDeCo fears that her life is in danger and wants her found and brought to a location to be determined later. She is arriving at Drinax shortly.
The Adventures of the CSS Rising Shadow.
Vitruvious Galen
Vitruvious Galen, 50, Human (Cyborg) from TBD
Uz Khoun
Ferus Blackclaw
Ferus Blackclaw, 32, Aslan from Ohaualr
Oswald Smith
Ronin Outinhenter
Report Date
16 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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