Buy-N-Large Organization in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil


Buy-N-Large All market sectors Buy-N-Large is a members only omni-market network that sells anything legal. Membership costs Cr240k per account per year, but increasing discounts are offered for bulk purchases. If 10 or more identical items are purchased the discount is 10%, with an additional 10% discount at 100 and 1,000 identical items sold. All Buy-N-Large products are extensively marked with the company iconography and embedded short range (3 meters) RFID micro transponder chips making the product instantly recognizable even at a distance. Buy-N-Large products are next to impossible to trade or sell, as all items are individually registered to the account owner. The would-be scalper should beware this fact as Buy-N-Large has secured agreements with several empires, including the Third Imperium, to make the resale or donation of Buy-N-Large products a crime. Buy-N-Large reclaims unwanted products to be refurbished, and offers a reduction on the following year’s membership fee equal to 10% of the returned items’ value to a maximum discount of Cr60k a year. The current Buy-N-Large CEO is not widely known to the public.   Buy-N-Large Sells: Everything that is legal to sell in the current sector or system (Items of TL 13 or higher may not be available and may require waiting lists). Buy-N-Large Buys: Buy-N-Large has no standard interest in buying. Services Provided: Will accept returned Buy-N-Large products for discounts on membership. Work Provided: Will pay bounties for any person(s) found reselling Buy-N-Large products.
Corporation, Conglomerate


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