Humans First Organization in The Tellurian Diaspora | World Anvil
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Humans First

As soon as humans and non-human sophants encountered one another, it was inevitable that some humans would find the very existence of sophant non-humans threatening.

So, there were always humans who didn't like them.

As a movement, "humans first" started small, on several worlds. The Xihe Stellation was always fairly paranoid. The Nenque Alliance included worlds colonized by groups who didn't necessarily even like humans they thought 'different' (whatever that meant... it varied from world to world.) ::koff:: Skalnaté ::koff:: Most larger multi-world entities had a few worlds that were suspicious or outright hostile to non-human sophants.

"Humans First" has never been a coherent movement with a single organization, but many organizations use it as a motivating ideology. Sometimes they are in conflict with one another, but will act together for the larger cause.

The most consequential historical Humans First organization was the Manhome Liberation Fleet, during the War of Manhome Liberation aka "Orion Wars". After the failure of their attempt to conquer Tellus, the elements of that group scattered, many were prosecuted as criminals, and others are suspected of having resurfaced under assumed identities to continue organizing.

The principal use of the ideology is grifting to separate humans first-inclined suckers from their cash, but some of the humans first groups do undertake serious attempts to engage politically and promote humans first administrative and diplomatic structures on various worlds. Others undertake propaganda operations aimed at discrediting inter-being diplomacy and sophant-inclusive institutions. A few engage in active terrorism.

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