Orcs Species in The Tales of the Leather-Bound Book | World Anvil
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The Orc is a swine-like humanoid possessed of great strength and often tenacious patience and will. Spiritualism and belief is at the heart of their people, believing themselves never without family and friends not matter what. Many holidays and ceremonies honour distinguished or fallen family members. They've an intellect that can rival that of a human's though seem to lack the confidence to use it.   Orcs are quite capable of building machines and technology of their own but often hit roadblocks in the developmental process that allows them to push on, often owing to a mentality that seems more interested in brute forcing a solution rather than thinking around them. It's this facet of Human technologies that Orcs are amused by which is one part of this idea that Humans are smarter than Orcs. It's considered something of a cultural aspect innate within much of Orcish methods.   Orcs typically are taught is that the way forward is the best path in all cases. So bash through everything and you'll get what you want. The straight line approach normally works. This means that many train lines went through mountains and hills rather than over. The most common reason for a home to be demolished or for someone to need to move out is often due to construction work on new roads.   The modern Orc positions themself in a brave new world of possibilities after centuries of being held back by religion and manipulative practitioners of their shamanistic belief system. Throughout their history, there's many points where the same story beat appears to stall the progress of Orckind: the Shaman or Oracle foretold grave consequences.   Orcish tribes of old would often have access to a 'Scryer' or 'Oracle' or 'Shaman'. A Scryer could see further than any eye could. An Oracle could gain prophetic insights. The Shaman was wise, knew of things few did and commune with the spirits for guidance. Most chieftains had one of these at least to consult on the basis that it was seen as foolish not to. They had the power, why not damn well use it?   The reason, as it turned out, was that many realised that they could puppeteer chieftains with these powers, simply by saying whatever benefited them. If they were clever enough, no one would find out! They could hoard magical texts and practices for themselves, they could take bribes to tip chiefs in ways their benefactors liked or even make up prophesy that could spell the downfall of an entire tribe. This grew even worse when the first nations grouped together in order to ensure everyone was fed and safe. The soothsayers had the Rulers in the palms of their hands if they wanted it.   There were soothsayers with interests of good service to their employer but the temptations grew too much for many. And this lasted for centuries.   Eventually, the Rulers of the Orcish Nations learned too much about the Soothsayers of the past from some new fangled hobby known as Archeology. Manuscripts and documents surfaced that painted bloodbaths thought baffling but tragic had a root cause that chilled many to hear. While the Soothsayers warned of dire consequences, many where investigated thoroughly, even beheaded on the spot. The Soothsayer was not gone but they were being rapidly shoved aside by a people that didn't want anything to do with them anymore.   Orcish Soothsayers and Shaman's still exist, as the arts are well preserved as, even though rulers and landed gentry ignored them, many still had uses among smaller communities. They had lost their grandeur among the Orcs.   Orcs are also characterised by their relationship with Humans. Appart from the cultural perception of the Human's being more devious and clever, they're also surprised at how similar they can be. Histories full of bloodshed, both capable of a fight they could comfortably win. There's overlap of entertainment, especially sports and fantasy works. Orcs typically really like 'Buddy Cop' movies, oddly enough. The thinking behind it is that they like the strong bond between the two main characters, making them a strong team against the villains that treat their allies like crap, normally. They're also pretty violent normally.

Basic Information


Orcs are typically several feet taller than the humanoid standard and are often wider too. While not all reach the common size of a full grown orc, it's not uncommon to find more slender builds or plenty of height variation with Orcs, ranging from between 5 to 8 feet tall. Orcs are typically more muscular than a human. Their skin is thick, sporting a range of different colours depending on racial origin. It's not uncommon to find an Orc with a spotty or patchy complexion. Orc ears are thick, forming two flaps atop the head like two leathery pointed tags.   In fact, the Orc can trace many aspects of the pigs and bores the species evolved from in their appearance. Much like their ears, they sport large tusks that can jut out of their mouths. Their noses are often flat and broad. Orcs can sweat but still don't fair well in warmer climates. Orcs don't grow a lot of body hair except on their heads.

Biological Traits

Due to higher muscle density, Orcs are naturally more athletic than Humans. They also need to eat more to maintain it. Also, their thicker skin can cushion some blows, giving Orcs greater natural durability. However, they do not enjoy warmer climates as their thicker skin means that blood vessels are further from the skin's surface, making blood harder to cool through evaporating sweat on the Orc's skin. Though, Orcs are more insulated for colder weathers.

Growth Rate & Stages

Quite similar to a humans.

Ecology and Habitats

While living on a 'Goldilocks Planet' in an habitable zone, most Orc homeworlds are noticeably colder or rainier in comparison to other worlds. Orcs have thick skin to help keep them warm in these less hospitable climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While Omnivorous, they do tend to have higher protein and iron requirements than Humans. As such, don't be surprised if your Orc friend orders way more meat than you do. It's only natural.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs haven't stayed too far from having a Chief in charge. Right now, an area of Orc territory will be in charge of a world, working with other Chief's who are in charge of other worlds. They control those worlds and run them.   However, each Chief has a gallery of citizens whose job it is to veto decisions the Chief comes up with. Half of these Citizens are elected, and candidates work with the Chief in order to construct new policies. They're like MPs. The other half are conscripted as part of their civil duty. They are ordinary citizens.


Typically, an Elf wouldn't want an Orc as anything more than as a big strong worker that can swing something. As such, rendering the Orc as docile as possible with either spells or brain surgery is just the ticket. As soon at the Orc is no more capable than a vegetable, then they're ready for work.

Average Intelligence

Around the Humanoid standard. Cultural idioms and ideals aside, Orcs are capably intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orc sight is a little below par compared to the humanoid standard but they have practiced 'third sight' for centuries, making them one of the best for prophetic readings and Divination magics in the Galaxy. Their knowledge combined across many cultures outstripped everything else put forward. Orcish Soothsayers are more than capable, despite any unfortunate rumours about them.

Civilization and Culture


The first orc tribes were somewhat close to their namesake: marauding fighters that butted up against each other that slowly grew by absorbing each other until they became big enough to make those fights too costly and difficult to wage anymore. At that point, you had to get smarter. So, build empires, chiefdoms and such. This also drove the need for Soothsayers and other practitioners to garner new insights and weather any difficulty with foresight.   The issue with this is that it made Soothsayers ultimately the most powerful as either they could interpret their signs however they think they ought to be, downright lie or simply have nothing to give until they got cushier digs or could keep a pet or what-have-you. It became highly sought after, with plenty of frauds jumping in with the genuine talent; a great number looking to exploit their position.   Eventually, Orcish rulers started to phase them out. Some kicked them out once their patience died a terrible death. From there, orcs tended to be weary of soothsayers but they never went away. Local oracles are a thing to this day.   The Orcs attempt at the sciences took many years and after headbutting their way towards space travel, they found that they couldn't quite crack it. Their best minds couldn't figure out how to make the energy sources reliable, safe and powerful enough to propel a craft through the vastness of space.   One day during this quest, human beings arrived. They had just arrived expecting the world they arrived on to be uninhabited. Instead, they meet with the Orcs and are generally welcomed. Eventually, they're shown the work on space travel they've been working on and the humans lended a hand, as they had a consignment of engineers and scientists that could help. Eventually, warp-gates were created that could make wormholes between gates allowing for extremely fast travel across the Galaxy. Thanks to this breakthrough, Orc and Human relations grew and an alliance was formed which stands to this day.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Orcs really like humans. They see them as sly, clever versions of themselves. Everything else is fine as long as it's not an Elf. Fuck those guys.
Scientific Name
Homo Suidae
Average Height
Around 7 foot.
Average Physique
Typically, Orcs are large and strong. Even without working on their bodies, they can be quite intimidating with their tall figure with plenty of muscle.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
It's not uncommon for Orc skin to have blotches of another colour in their skin. These patches of pigmentation are natural and are usually a sign of a mixed heritage.

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