Origin of the World in The Surrey | World Anvil
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Origin of the World

The Expanse consists of nine main novels and eight shorter works (two prequel short stories, one prequel novella, one interquel short story, and four interquel novellas). One more novella is planned that will be set after the main book series. The series will be complete at nine novels, with a completation book which will mosty include most of the short works stories.   A television series based on the books, also named The Expanse, completed production and started airing on the Syfy channel in December 2015, where it ran for 3 seasons until it was picked up for 3 additional seasons by Amazon Prime Video.   Humanity has colonized the planets - interstellar travel is still beyond our reach, but the Sol system has become a loose network of colonies. But there are tensions - the mineral-rich outer planets resent their dependence on Earth and Mars and the political and military clout they wield over The Belt and beyond.


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