Hacking in The Surrey | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Requirements:Intelligence(Security) and Intelligence(Technology) focuses
Computer security systems and safeguards are more suggestions to you than anything else.
NOVICE:When you succeed at an Intelligence(Cryptography) or Intelligence(Security) test, the GM can provide you with an extra item of information about the subject. Also, you may use the Intelligence(Technology) focus instead of the Communication(Investigation) and Intelligence(Research) if the information you seek can be found in an accessible computer system.
EXPERT:If you fail an Intelligence(Technology) test when hacking you may re-roll it but must keep the result of the second roll.
MASTER:When you make an advanced test using Intelligence(Cryptography) or Intelligence(Technology), add +2 to the result of the Drama Die for the purpose of reaching the test's threshhold. You may perform the Cover Your Tracks stunt on tests involving the Cryptography and Technology focuses for 2SP.


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