Turner Niklaus Unaed Colt Character in The Stones of Alderon | World Anvil
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Turner Niklaus Unaed Colt

Turner Niklaus Unaed Colt

Please, just call him Colt.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

5'10, lean muscle.

Body Features

  • Olive toned skin-darkens with sun exposure.

Facial Features

Green eyes Growing beard Auburn/redish hair Light freckling on the tip of the nose.

Identifying Characteristics

3 jagged lines scar the back of his neck, in a modified cross pattern. Matching crosses mark the inside of both forearms near the bend, with the addition of 4 red spirals between the tops of the lines.

Physical quirks

Nose ticks in a microsecond snarl when angry,

Special abilities

Knows 3 languages
  • Common
  • Infernal
  • Silvan

Apparel & Accessories

  • Dark cloak
  • Light leather armor, dyed black and dark blue
  • A short sword
  • A cross bow
  • 4 daggers
  • Belt crossed over his chest, belt around his hips.

Specialized Equipment

  • Light weapons

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised by thieves, trained by thieves, betrayed by thieves. Colts mother was the leader of the guild, and in a dramatic power move, her and her husband were... disposed of. The new leader of the guild wasn't low enough to murder children, so he simply chained Colt(age 11) to a post in a small cabin in the woods. A member would bring him food, water, and clean his waste daily. Until the day he escaped(age17), via the help of a disgruntled member.   Free to roam the lands, Colt traveled as far as his legs could carry him each day. Every other day he could stop and rest for a night, hidden in the nearest towns/villages bushes or alleyways. The Guild Master sent his lackeys to find Colt, for fear that he would one day return, and destroy him for the betrayal he set upon the Colt Family.   Now Colt walks the worlds, changed and hidden from the Guild. Only identifiable to them by the scars that marked his youth. The Spiral Tower. His incomplete branding...   His initial desires were not for revenge, just for freedom. But now, with the times he has been granted to grieve, he does want retribution. Not control, just an eye for an eye.


Bisexual Attracted to Humans and Human-like races.


  • Thieves guild training.



Mental Trauma

Losing his parents. Being chained to a pole like an animal.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Likes to Observe people
  • Reads to evolve and expand social skills
  • learned 2 Languages- Infernal and Silvan

Morality & Philosophy

"I will do what is best for myself, I will do what is necessary to further my goals. Your life means less than mine."

Personality Characteristics


Building his skills to defeat the Guild Master, by any means necessary

Likes & Dislikes

White vegetables are disgusting. *VOMIT* Unless they're mushrooms.

Vices & Personality flaws

Smokes, Drinks, and enjoys Trees from the Funny Farm ;)


Family Ties

Parents were 'disposed of' only known living relative

A kind young man, or a crotchety young ShitHead. Depends on what he wants and how you act. Life is not entirely predictable, so plan for that.

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Chaotic Neutral?
Auburn/dark ginger
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Infernal Silvan

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