Robin Character in The Spiraling Cosmos | World Anvil


The King of Spades Robin Fletcher

It was a quiet night for the night watch, too late for drunkards and too early for merchants. Two members of the night watch strolled down the street, bored out of their minds. They had joined the watch to stop criminals and fight dragons. Instead they help drunkards get home and get cats out of trees.
A scream cut through the night's silence. The watch, eager to save the fair maiden, rushed to the scene. A dark alleyway waited before them, a foreboding sense of dread filled the air. Were they too late? Pushing back the dreadful thought, they drew their clubs and forged onward, determined to catch the fiend responsible for the woman's screaming. They saw a female form, sprawled out on the floor ahead of them. The watch dashed forward, hoping they hadn't arrived too late. One of the watch dropped down to check the body, only to find to his shock, it was a dummy. The wooden head limply fell to the side, a note plastered to it's face. The watchmen looked over the note, feelings of relief, confusion, and frustration swirled in their minds. Puzzled, one of the guards snatched up the note and read it over.
While the note itself was childish, with bright crayon scrawling out words. In the lower corner, a poorly doodled image of a dead guard was drawn out. The note read, "Made you look! Prepare to die!"
The watchmen whipped around, searching for the source of danger. But it was too late, two enormous weights fell on top of them. Before they exploded into a burst of white powder, plastering the guard's with it. The guards hacked and coughed up the substance, it was splattered all about the alleyway. One looked up at the other quizzically "Flour?"
Up above, a tiny figure giggled manically, bags of flour surrounding him on the rooftops. The Queen of Hearts had down an amazing job with her voice work, the morons down below fell for their trap. "Another victory for the Deck of Cards." the King of Spades cackled.

The odious and bizarre King of Spades. Speaking in empty threats and lies, he assists the party in escaping the Fire Plane. But what's his endgame?

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil?
1220 AoM 1250 AoM 30 years old
A long, tangled mess of black hair?
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A Sickly Pale?
89 Ibs?


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