Lorian Neli Readkin-Fyoto Character in The Spiraling Cosmos | World Anvil

Lorian Neli Readkin-Fyoto

Princess Lorian Neli Readkin-Fyoto (a.k.a. Neli)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's built tall and slender, but is packing plenty of muscle.

Facial Features

Short tusks contrasting her long elven ears.

Identifying Characteristics

A Dragon's Revenge tattoo.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a token of the Sea Mother on a chain. She also sports many gold earrings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

My mother is the great hero of Spooksberg, the pirate queen. I looked up to her as a child. Her and father often told great stories of heroic sea adventures. How she was in a huge navel battle with a kraken and only through the combined strength of all of Spooksberg where they able to take it. Fighting a dragon in a cave deep below a snow covered mountain. Father told of how he got the secrete information about where orisk would be. Mother talked about defeating a giant creature in the Witchwood. How she overcame her greatest enemy and became the queen. But much of her life she didn’t talk about. When I was young she spared me all the gory and sad details. My parents fought a lot before I was born, and even separated for a short time. My mother was often busy wish council affairs and often distracted. When I got a bit older she started taking me with her to meetings and on trips and telling me most of the bad parts. Sometimes I heard people mention someone Marcus i knew how he had teamed up with orisk. But whenever I came around they stoped talking. I had a feeling my mother did something bad. She was often haunted by her past and sometimes when I was little my father would take me on trips, I began to realize it was to hide my mothers depression from me. Father,himself, had many scares he didn’t talk about. Most days they were just fine and happy, we spent a lot of time together, I was however very close to mother. I learned of a prophecy that had slowly claimed everyone my mother loved from her own childhood including my uncle Verden whom we thought took his own life last year. My mother has done great things for the pirate community but there are still a few who appose her. I have always enjoyed traveling and couldn’t wait for the next sea trip I would get to go on. I like exploring areas few have seen and meeting new cultures. When I turned 19 I set out on my own, to have a sort of coming to adulthood pilgrimage.




Extremely intelligent, having been educated by the best minds in the pirate kingdoms.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sailed the sea for months at a time Helped her mother negotiate terms with a port city Helped establish a tiny outpost on a tiny uncharted island found while at sea

Failures & Embarrassments

Was there something I could have done to save Robin?

Mental Trauma

Found Verden’s body

Intellectual Characteristics

Has read many books, try’s to read any of Marcus do gain better insight Taught by some of the best minds in the pirate kingdom Studied with nick for a while, little interest in learning magic

Morality & Philosophy

Follows her mother's Pirate Codes zealously.

Personality Characteristics


My mother wanted me to stay and continue learning to be a pirate with her, at 18 I’m about ready to be a first mate. It is an amazing opportunity, but I’ve seen a lot of sailing. It’s amazing, I live for the sea shanties and the smell of salt on the air. But I want to see more of the world. My father encouraged me to take a coming of age voyage. It’s common for orcs to set out from their clans when they come of age for a year or so and travel. So that’s what I’m doing. Mom gave me a journal. She said it always helped her to write down what was going on. Dad said I should write everything down. I’ve seen my fair share of danger so far on the high seas but few of my friends have traveled far inland. I wonder what lays ahead. I hope I haven’t disappointed my mother. She seemed sad when she gave me the journal when I left.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes spiders and oranges.
Loves flowers
She enjoys the smell of palm trees and saltwater

Vices & Personality flaws

She's aware of her crippling alcoholism, but has made no attempt to stop it.
She often says rude things to people without realizing it.
She gets excited and anxious easily.
Prone to being over cocky, she’s done this adventuring thing before, what could go wrong


Brushes her hair every morning and night.


Contacts & Relations

Is a honorary member of The Loyalists

Family Ties

The daughter of Mira and Elpida

Religious Views

Worships the Sea Mother

Neli as her friends call her is a young half orc pirate of 18, on her coming of age voyage.. Though, she knows how dangerous and cruel the world can be, through her parents upbringing, she tries to see the good in everyone.

Character Location
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True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
At birth the kingdoms named her princess even with the objections of Queen Mira. Eventually Mira went along with it.
Blue with Gold Flecks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greenish Grey
Known Languages
Fluent in Orcish, Common, and Thieves cant.
Knows some Elvish.