Elemental Possesion Condition in The Spiraling Cosmos | World Anvil

Elemental Possesion

Transmission & Vectors

When a powerful elemental captures someone, they can attempt to posses them. To do so, they transfer themselves into their (usually) unwilling hosts. This kills the victim, but allows the elemental to hide in the body of the host. Some elementals have jumped from host to host, but it's generally too dangerous to risk the transfer.


After the Treaty of Tabuk, many elementals were desperate to escape their impending enslavement. Some tried to resist the Genie lords, but others were much more cunning. They took humanoid servants and prisoners and created the possession process, allowing them to escape the Elemental Planes without being detected.


It's nearly impossible to tell if someone is possessed just by looking at them. The host's body does transform in subtle ways to suit the elemental possessing them. Most have limited elemental powers and resistances.


There hasn't been any way to reverse the effects of possession without killing the host. The only way to pry out the elemental is to murder the host.

Affected Groups

Any humanoid can be affected by possession, though elves and humans are the most common hosts.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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