Halflings Species in The Soul Forge | World Anvil
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There are two subraces of halflings, Lightfoot and Stout.   The origin of the two subraces is unknown but a story goes that in the early days of the halfling race a pair of siblings rose to power. The siblings ruled together over the largest halfling tribe for a long time, wandering the plains, and sailing the rivers and lakes. Eventually the two siblings got into a discussion about where it was best to live, the rivers or the lakes. The disagreement grew and eventually the two siblings went their separate ways takes half of the tribe with them each. These two new tribes became the subraces.   The lightfoot halflings don’t settle down in one place for long, but prefer to be as the river, always moving. A lightfoot tribe will travel the plains in a caravan of small houses on wheels or sail the rivers in a group of interconnected houseboats, either floating downstream or being dragged upstream by small but hardy horses. When they stop near established communities they will offer various services such repairing broken items or helping with the harvest in return for food or money. Other times they will set up a small carnival and perform for the locals with singing, dancing, juggling and other tricks. Same communities are wary of the traveling halflings as they suspect them of being thieves and conmen all.   The stout halfling prefer to settle near or some times on lakes, living a much more sedentary lifestyle. The floating stout halfling communities drift around on the lake they have chosen to settle on, trading fish and other things gathered from the lakes with various coast side villages and towns. Stout halfling communities that are built on the shore tend to be small fortified villages that keep mostly to themselves.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations



Halflings were created by the god of rivers and lakes. Like their creator they are almost never still always wandering. Many halflings still worship the god of rivers and lakes as well as some of the younger gods that were originally halflings such as Yondalla, the goddess of hearth and home, Tymora, the goddess of luck and adventurers, and Baervan Wildwanderer, the god of travel and trickery.


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