Children of the Moon Organization in The Somer Plate | World Anvil

Children of the Moon

The Children of the Moon, or simply the Moon Children, are the members of a certain sect following the deity Leddloma, goddess of the moon, tranquility, and healing. They keep their temples and shrines secluded where they can bathe in the moonlight.   The Moon Children emerged some century ago, though the exact time is not known. The elven couple that leads the sect founded it during the Long Night, a night lasting a full week every third year. They believe that the Long Night is a gift from Leddloma, which most followers of her believe, while the Moon Children in particular are fanatical about this.   For the Moon Children, the time the night is short is just an expanse of time that is meant for them to prepare for the Long Night. During the Long Night, the Moon Children hold great festivities for Leddloma, which in itself isn't uncommon for followers of hers, but at the Moon Children's parties, held on high mountain peaks that they have flattened to perfect altars, they bathe in white wine made under the moonlight the nights since the last Long Night, drink until they can't see any more, and sacrifice animals raised on moonlight-harvested seed, and burn candles with cold flames that they light bonfires with that couples marry in and children are blessed in.   These mountaintop holy sites are closely guarded, and no-one but worshipers of Leddloma and members of the Children of the Moon are allowed to walk there. The sites are kept clean, any animals found there are captured; if a newborn animal is found there it is made a holy pet to the leaders, only allowed to be gazed upon by those chosen. People found breaching the borders are imprisoned and never released again, with very few exceptions.
Religious, Sect


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