Murktoad Species in The Skies of Aika | World Anvil
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A mysterious species of froglike creatures known for their ability to draw extractable, mostly potable "frogwater" out of the air through their croaks.
Murktoads are known as "Omentoads" in certain circles - particularly Ixarra's Hallowed Nation - due to their connection to squalid drifters and pirates, as well as their tendency to sporadically and unexplainably appear aboard airships.
There has been much debate over whether murktoads are fiends or not, due to the fact that they have not been observed to be capable of flight, despite somehow still just appearing aboard skyfaring ships.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

It is not clear how murktoads reproduce, and no attempts to breed them in a controlled environment have been successful. Murktoads seemingly just appear on the exteriors of airships - a fact that has baffled drifters for ages.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Murktoads can seemingly last a very long time without food, and make no attempt to go out and hunt. Instead, they remain mostly immobile and eat meats and locusts as presented to them. They do not need to drink, nor do they show any interest in doing so.

Additional Information


Murktoads are widely kept by drifters and pirates as a portable source of drinkable water. The 'happier' a murktoad is, the more it croaks - and the more frogwater it produces.

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