Eleventh Day of June Document in The Six Kingdoms of Aeduin | World Anvil

Eleventh Day of June

Beloved Diary, it has been too long since I last wrote you, since so much has happened!   First of all, two weeks ago, rumours of a crazy wizard to the southwest have been spreading like fire throughout the town - and we're a lumber town! I told old Edward he could always come to me for help, but this is too far. His magic is dangerous, his research moreso - and despite its uses, I will not stand to have it so close to my project. I knew that if a party of so-called 'adventurers' were to ever pass through, he'd blow my cover sky-high. My only real option is to send someone to deal with him. One of Prince Eli's disgraced assassins will do, but it will take a good few weeks to procure their services.   Due to Edward's distinct lack of sense, I knew immediately I was going to have to move the project from here. Adventuring thugs have already begun their filthy pilgrimage to this town, and before long noses are going to be poked where they don't belong. My project is too close to being finished only to be compromised in this kingdom, so I was in the process of sending it - and the girl - to a contact in the south, but that little bitch ran away again two days ago! I don't know how she keeps managing it - I have barred and boared all the windows she has access to, but she is more slippery than a goddamn snake. Unfortunately as she is integral to my plan, I simply must recover her, and will send her to my contact separately.   Fortunately I have a pretty good idea where she might be. As I feared, 'adventurers' that came flooding in with the rumours have been attempting to visit my boutique, despite their utter lack of class or wealth, and she must have gone with them. It turned them away where I could, but subterfuge is a delicate art. It seems chains and broken bones alone are no longer enough to hold her anymore. I am terrified, dear diary, that someone will find a way to restore her. Only time will tell - and for now, I've got no choice but to put a bounty on her head to get her back. Hopefully I can keep up the worried father act for a little while longer.   I hope next time I write you it will be with good news, dearest diary. Until then.


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