Eighth Day of March Document in The Six Kingdoms of Aeduin | World Anvil

Eighth Day of March

Dear Diary,   She's never going to arrive. Urmag must have   She arrived! I was just beginning to write to you in despair, but as I dipped my quill for the second time I heard his knock at the door. It is late at night, I wasn't expecting anyone at all - but I have to say, arriving during the storm is a stroke of genius. Something tells me that the reason Urmug took so long was because he was waiting for the weather to provide the perfect cover for this order of business to go ahead. The heavy drumming of the incessant rain hid her banging against the crate absolutely wonderfully. I dread to think what might have happened had someone heard her before we managed to get her inside and subdue her.   It is in times like these where I wish I had taken up magic as a child instead of fashion; I cannot keep Urmug here forever to take care of her. He is as ugly as sin itself, and hanging around my store would be a disaster for business. Unfortunately, an unruly child is just as bad, but I will deal with that issue when it arises. For now, dear diary, she is out cold in a magically induced slumber in the spare bed. It was incredible, really, how fast Urmug's magic subdued her - once she thought that I was her father and that this was her home, she calmed down almost immediately.   Now she is out of Urmug's care, though, I have been warned that she will become a lot less complacent. He won't be around to force her into submission anymore, and it will be up to me to ensure that she has no reason to doubt the memories and thoughts he gave her. The spells he cast on her should be permanent, but should she find herself in the company of other magicks there is a chance the curse shall be removed and her memory greatly restored.   With the sheer amount of tampering that's been going on in there, I doubt she will ever be her true, original self again; but one can only hope we'll never have to find out if this is true. There is no way I'm going to let her get into anything that resembles that situation in the first place. For now and forever, she is mine and mine alone. I will not let anything happen to her that I have not dictated.   But anyway, diary, it is now past midnight and my excitement has left me exhausted. I look forward to updating you with news of her skills.   Until next time.


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