06 - Cracks of Gold Report in The Six Kingdoms of Aeduin | World Anvil

06 - Cracks of Gold

General Summary

14th of June, 3598 AA cont.

Inari has found the boat and the others percept that this is the case. They discuss taking Unit's body back. To get the gate open, Unit is used to try and crowbar it open. Madeline disagrees with this and instead clambers up onto the stones next to the gate to get over. Apple appears out of nowhere.

They go back to the plan of using Unit's (now his feet) to crowbar open the gate. Everyone carefully gets off the cliff and into the water to join Inari, but there are too many people to get onto the boat. Discussions occur and while Madeline gets straight onto the boat, it is decided that Unit will stay behind (as will the two NPCS as they do not trust Snorri to get them back safely and wish to find their own way back).

It is noticed that Madeline is glowing gold like the light from before with Unit and she is touching her chest. She claims that it happens sometimes but has no idea what it is (she is telling the truth but wording things carefully). But she seems confused by the glowing as well, and the crack along her collarbone - asks us not to tell anyone and the glow seems to be emanating from her hands.

The glow has occurred since she was a child. This is why the Merchant was interested in her. He found her when she was trying to find her way by exploring to see what made her tick. The Merchant found her and offered her modelling which she readily agreed to, but then she wasn't allowed to leave. (This is later revealed to be a lie). She is sad about Unit dying as she likes constructs and was fascinated with Unit.

Set off from the island but rowing takes ages due to a few bad dice rolls from Silas and we end up at farther to the east than intended. Everyone sleeps and/or keeps watch. Snorri wakes up to something and it is revealed to be a spider attack. We win and sleep continues.  

15th of June, 3598 AA

Madeline wakes up with her eye glowing gold. We all head back to Littleshade.  

16th of June, 3598 AA

Arrive in Littleshade and some head to the tavern. Inari and Silas head to the Merchant's store, Paon Enchanté and tell him that Madeline died. He seems genuinely upset about her death. Inari chooses to stealth into the backroom, wanting to find out if the Merchant was keeping anyone else here against their will.

However the Merchant starts getting suspicious about what Silas is saying about not being able to retrieve Madeline's body and her death. Silas tries to explain that she exploded in white lightning but he is even more confused by this light and goes to lock the front door. He asks where Inari went, but Silas makes a loud crash appear outside and uses that as a distraction to join Inari in the backroom.

The Party's Adventures
Report Date
21 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Characters Present
Inari Sheawyn
Silas Knave

Objectives Completed
  • Return to Littleshade
  • Inform Cunningham of Madeline's death
Rewards Granted
  • None
Characters Interacted With
  • Madeline
  • William Cunningham


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