05 - Encounter with Edward Report in The Six Kingdoms of Aeduin | World Anvil

05 - Encounter with Edward

General Summary

14th of June, 3598 AA cont.

The party come across the room with decapitated limbs and blood dripping across the floor towards the east - which is not the way that the floor runs. They walk into a room and find a wizard - Edward Kixus - facing down a group of battered adventures, screaming at them but also crying - he does not seem intimidating.

He tells the party that the deaths were collateral damage and that he isn't evil, just brilliant. He's been researching the appearance of weird creatures in a bright white light that slaughter everyone who looks at them. They have thousands of heads and arms and could be from the gods to punish us - perhaps demons. The gods chose him to deliver visions to him, granting him the intelligence and insight to stop these demons.

One of the adventurers, Inari Sheawyn, declares that she wants them to kill him already. Combat ensues. Wizards dies.

The party asks about the merchant's daughter, Madeline and she speaks up saying that she is not his daughter and is running away from him. She doesn't remember much though, just that he was mean and wanted her to do something for him.

There is incense burning around the place and a green gemstone is found and picked up. The gemstone seems to be something that children love, to make pranks?

Make our way down to the floor below, and shouting is heard out a window. Outside the window we can see dangling from above is a cage - 3 feet away from the window. Both Inari and Apple flip onto the cage to see who is in it. Inside is a young, humanoid boy with silver hair, skinny and clinging onto the bars. He has no eyes and does not know how he got here. He suddenly leaves in a wisp of smoke that smells bitter - fire smoke. It is faintly lilac.

They leave to look through the other locked rooms Inari finds 3 healing potions and gives 2 to Silas, whereas the other room has lilac smoke and the smell of chicken in it. The stone on the pillars don't seem like they belong here, they are way older than the rest of the tower. Bloody scratches show on the floor. The skull is....fresh. Inari messes around with the skull and they decide to head upstairs to get the wizard's head. Inari succeeds. Trades the head for one gold piece to Snorri.

Head down to bottom floor and come cross the lilac smoke in a humanoid figure. A hole opens up in his head and a scream is heard. The figure disappears and the smoke falls to the floor. Apple disappears. We leave the tower but remember that our way here with the fish was one way. Sargoria rode in on a boat which they bought. Inari runs around the island and finds the boat.

Suddenly a green flash appears in front of Unit B45-T10N and smoulders him to pieces, his eyes powering down. Madeline walks out and sees this, and out from her eyes shines a bright gold light and she collapses at the top of the stairs before also starting to smoulder. Silas uses Spare the Dying on her and she wakes, looking horrified. Snorri is also looking at Silas in disgust.

The Party's Adventures
Report Date
28 Nov 2021
Primary Location

Characters Present
Inari Sheawyn
Silas Knave
Unit B45-T10N

Characters Deceased
Unit B45-T10N

Objectives Completed
  • Found the merchant's daughter, Madeline
  • Killed the crazy wizard
Rewards Granted
  • Mysterious green gemstone
  • Wizard's skull
  • Three healing potions
Characters Interacted With
  • Edward Kixus
  • Madeline
  • Ghostly Figures


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