Chourst; Lord of Randomness Character in The Silver Sea | World Anvil

Chourst; Lord of Randomness

Lord of Randomness (a.k.a. The Unpredictable)

Chourst was the slaad lord of randomness, an agent of chaos at its most unpredictable. He was said to be a living incarnation of whimsy, spontaneously spreading disorder wherever his aimless wanderings took him.  
“It was like a visit from Chourst.” — The Githzerai phrase for an unexpected and unpleasant event.

Physical Description

Body Features

Chourst appeared as a gangly slaad, around 20‒22 ft (6.1‒6.7 m) tall, of purest chalk-white; his other forms were unknown.

Special abilities

Chourst was both physically powerful and had access to a great variety of spell-like abilities. He could cast an advanced illusion, astral projection, chaos, cloudkill, confusion, darkness, detect magic, detect thoughts, fear, flame strike, light, solid fog, and wind walk at will, as well as conjure a symbol of his choice three times each day.  Chourst's very presence caused instability in reality, reverting land shaped by chaos matter in a 30 ft (9.1 m) radius around himself into its basal state and causing spells cast within 300 ft (91 m) of him to trigger wild magic surges, even outside of Limbo, the effects of which he was immune to. A strike from Chourst caused corporeal instability identical to that caused by chaos beasts in all living creatures and also turned Modrons into chaotic neutral rogues.   If in Limbo, he could try to summon a Gray Slaad or two Curse Slaadi (the latter occurring more often when he tried) every minute with a near-perfect chance of success.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Although Chourst had no desire for followers, knowledgeable members of the Xaositects admired his apparent appreciation and understanding of their chaotic ideals, though even they still gave him a wide berth.   On Chourst's one and only visit to Mechanus, he barely survived the encounter. He created rogue Modrons of all kinds throughout the plane, providing an arduous amount of work for the Pentadrone police until Primus himself showed up to deal with the mayhem he had caused. For the disorder he caused on the orderly plane, he was still a wanted outlaw.

Accomplishments & Achievements

“What is that whistling noi—” — A Limbo town visitor standing at the "ground zero" of one of Chourst's visits.   Chourst was known to frequently perform cannonballs through settlements in Limbo simply for his entertainment. He delighted in dissolving terrain shaped by chaos matter, and though it could be reassembled, it often wasn't fast enough to avoid significant harm. Outside of Limbo, he was known to leave trails of random destruction in the wake of his wildly roundabout path.

Personality Characteristics


Caring for nothing but himself, Chourst's one desire was to follow his mercurial passions, impulsively indulging whatever whim struck him from moment to moment. Rarely did this behavior manifest in any constructive way, for he was too unfocused to build anything significant and too independent to worry about the affairs of other Slaadi. By most estimates, the erratic Lord of Randomness seemed utterly insane. The urge might strike him to go on a random rampage, killing and destroying everything in sight, before stopping the carnage to smell a flower or do whatever else caught his eye. This also made him an odd being to try and fight since even the throes of combat were often insufficient to hold his attention, leading him to quit the battle halfway through to do something else.   However, it was important to note that despite this behavior, the Lord of Randomness wasn't an idiot. In fact, Chourst was a remarkably intelligent creature capable of making convincing arguments, at least towards other beings of chaos, and possessed a truer understanding of the concept than many others. He was also aware of the circumstances around him and made sure to at least disable those he believed to be dangerous threats to him before moving on to other activities.


Contacts & Relations

Chourst was ruled by his impulses more than his peers, though Ygorl occasionally enjoyed his company, approving of his brand of chaos due to its entropic nature. The Slaad lord also had his fair share of enemies, the Githzerai having been on the receiving end of his city-destroying antics in the past.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
Chourst typically stayed within Limbo since he found its primal soup soothing, though he occasionally journeyed to other planes for a change of pace, giving him a new environment in which to cause chaos.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Alabaster White
Aligned Organization


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