Staff of Sehanine Item in The Shattered World | World Anvil

Staff of Sehanine

This divine staff was forged from the fractal, iridescent glass of the tree inside Sehanine's temple on the isle of Synnoria.

Manufacturing process

The staff was formed in the moment that Sehanine bestowed Clericdom onto Her follower Drathir Lá and was gifted to him as a divine focus for his cleric powers.


This staff was gifted to Drathir Lá when he became an official cleric of the Moonweaver Goddess Sehanine and thus marks him as Her d
Creation Date
Current Holder
There is only one such staff in the Shattered World currently.
Raw materials & Components
The staff is made from the fractal glass which forms the tree inside of Sehanine's temple on the isle of Synnoria


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