Mythology depricated Character in The Shattered Planes | World Anvil


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The Shattered Planes has an extensive mythology that extends to long before the original plane was even created. Here you will find a mythos that follows gods, titans, watchers, and their chosen.

Here is an index for each of the gods and god types Mythology Index, I suggest reading through this page before using the index, as it is a list without context.


The pantheon of The Shattered Planes is quite large and changes over time. Any god's name followed by an * is not a part of the pantheon at the start of War of the choiceless for one reason or another. There are many types of gods in The Shattered Planes for more info check out God types or the index above.


The titans have faded from history over time but a few are still remembered as the forerunners to the gods that exist today. With the exception of one titan known just as The Titan all of the titans are thought to be dead.

The following is a list of the titans


The Watchers are a race of godlike creatures outside of the story that look in on the world. The Watchers are just a concept to those within the story with only the gods and the threaded thinking that there may be more to them than an idea.

The Chosen

The Chosen are heroes and villians that were chosen by one or more higher beings to enact their will upon the world. There are many different types of chosen with each having unique boons and curses. The different types of chosen are as follows:

  • The Threaded
  • The Choiceless
  • Two Souled
  • Avatar
  • Demigod
  • Starbound
  • Fated

The following is a list of the known chosen

  • Vidar Delzy
  • Aphra Watson
  • Tearian Barefoot
  • Urixes Deathsong
  • Birdperson
  • Celine
  • Leza ith
  • The Twins

The first example of chosen was the main characters in Prison of the dead god, with each of those characters being Two Souls. It was implied in that campaign that all past and future playable characters are and will be Two Souls as long as The Watchers exist.

Myths and Legends of the Chosen

I'll get to this later


While the exact gods worshipped changes from region to region all areas have representation for most if not all of the pantheon with 2 or 3 gods that they primarily focus on. With many of the gods walking among the mortals, those primary gods are often the ones that live the closest to the settlement. There are a few exceptions such as the original gods birthed of the titans and their children, as they do not have physical forms but are still major gods. Take Vseria for example, their civilization was founded by Nebula so they put her foremost.

Regional Religion


Vseria was originally formed by the god Nebula and was subsequently abandoned by her when she believed they could fend for themselves; Nebula left the civilization with one last gift, a ruler hand picked by her. Ever since Nebula left Vseria the queen has been treated as both the ruler and the high priestess of the religion following Nebula. The pride of being raised queen by their god eventually twisted the queen and caused her to spiral into insanity. The queen built up a large army of inquisitors and began to conquer the mainland to spread the word of Nebula. This event was called The First Conquest.

Vseria still holds Nebula as the one true god and pushes out most other religions because of it. Vseria is the strongest military power due to The First Conquest and is always recruiting more inquisitors. Due to the effects of The First Conquest, those that worship Nebula often flee to Vseria to escape prejudice against them for their religion.


Stios has no official god that they follow as the entire region is made of many smaller factions with their own ideals. Stios is said to have focused on technology but the truth is only the capital of the union has that goal. Stios will eventually declare ZedeX as their main god but that happens just before Prison of the dead god.


Ma'ker was founded by the god Yarie Delzy so the majority of the region worships his family. Those that don't know Yarie Delzy think of him as a barbarian but those that do know him know that he only ever wanted to defend his home. Ma'ker has adopted alot of Yarie Delzy's ideals making most communities tightly knit with everyone willing to pick up a sword if needed.


Val-Hesia strangely does not worship any of the gods but instead the Titans that came before them. It is said that Val-Hesia is the original home of the titans Creation and Destruction, most deny this though as Dicrilia did not exist before the titan war.


Enera and the Waterwalkers worship the ocean as they believe it existed before the gods or even the titans did. Those visiting Enera or a Waterwalkers ship are often shocked by their strange ways.

The Wandering Palace/The Wandering Guild

Those in The Wandering Palace and Guild worship The Wanderer as a god of travel.
