Ugak, Deity of Strength Character in The Shattered Lands | World Anvil

Ugak, Deity of Strength

Ugak, Deity of Strength is a Lawful evil deity from the Pantheon of Conflict. Ugak is the second patron deity of orcs. Muk, God of War generally attempts to take full credit, but the old tomes still hold onto the truth that it was a team effort. Ugak tends to be the primary deity for orc clans for internal affairs or while at peace. Ugak encourages their followers to put the strongest in charge as they will bring prosperity to their clans.   [Picture once available]   Ugak is present in most temples of conflict, but has very few churches. Ugak does not generally ask their clerics to settle down and instead act as shamans for moving bands or clans. Some may have a regular place for followers to find them, but it likely won't be a church and will rather be more like a gym.
Edict Take every advantage in a fight, Show strength   Anathema Show mercy, Let the weak lead   Follower Alignment LE, NE, CE   Divine Font Harm   Divine Skill Athletics   Favoured Weapon Fist   Domains Ambition, Confidence, Tyranny, Zeal   Cleric Spells 1st Draw Ire; 2nd False Life; 3rd Haste


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