Tusam, Deity of Love Character in The Shattered Lands | World Anvil

Tusam, Deity of Love

Tusam, Deity of Love is a chaotic good deity from the Pantheon of Life. Tusam thinks they have domain over the best part of life, Love. Love to Tusam is what makes life worth living. Romantic love, familial love, even platonic love all falls in the domain of Tusam. Due to this Tusam's followers are the most common officiates of marriage. It is rumoured that if a random stranger walks into your wedding, you are actually being blessed with a visit from Tusam themselves.  

Tusam is present in all temples of life and has many chruches all around the world. Pretty much anywhere that marriage of love is practised, a church can be found, sometimes the churches are super small acting as a priests home other times there is a full dedicated building for Tusam.
Edict Treat all life as precious, love with all your heart   Anathema Torture, murder, or kill for any reason other than self defence or food; Pretend to love someone or manipulate someone through their feeling for you   Follower Alignment LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN   Divine Font Heal   Divine Skill Society   Favoured Weapon Longsword   Domains Family, Freedom, Passion, Protection   Cleric Spells 1st Charm; 2nd Befitting Attire ; 3rd Zone of Truth


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