Rowan, Deity of Luck Character in The Shattered Lands | World Anvil

Rowan, Deity of Luck

Rowan, Deity of Luck is a Neutral Deity from the Pantheon of Society. Rowan leans into the idea that sometimes you are lucky and sometimes you are not. He encourages his followers to accept luck and most of his followers do, some to a extensive degree. Rowan also sees the world as having a self sustained sense of equality, though he occasionally helps by nudging odds a little. Any streak of bad luck shows a great prize on the horizon, and if you find yourself too lucky, that is a sign that misfortune is on the horizon.   [Picture once Available]   Rowan is present in most temples of Society, but rarely has his own churches. His followers often travel finding places or people leaning too far to one extreme of luck and with the help of Rowan, rectify these cosmic imbalances.
Edict Choose and Perfect an Art, Make use of good luck   Anathema Destroy art or allow it to be destroyed, shame or harrass people for bad luck   Follower Alignments Any   Divine Font Heal or Harm   Divine Skill Society   Favoured Weapon Sling   Domains Creation, Cities, Fate, Luck   Cleric Spells 1st Ill Omen; 4th Tortoise and the Hare; Winning Streak


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