Raldrout Heresy Organization in The Shattered Lands | World Anvil

Raldrout Heresy

The Raldrout Heresy is a unique entity in the religious institutions. Being a heresy of the Pantheon of Society, they actually do not believe the pantheon of society is wrong, and actually coexist quite peacefully. Members of the Raldrout Heresy agree that Elrich was the godling who ascended and created the pantheon of society, but they recognize Raldrout as the creator of the dwarves and therefor believe that dwarves can and should warship Raldrout first and make him the centre of their holy practices. Due to these practices many members of the pantheon of society actually see the Raldrout heresy as simply an extension of their pantheon, but most members of the raldrout heresy see themselves as a distinct and independent organization.
Religious, Organised Religion


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