Nevy, God of Lies Character in The Shattered Lands | World Anvil

Nevy, God of Lies

Nevy, God of Lies is a Chaotic Evil God from the Pantheon of Conflict. Nevy is the second patron of goblins. Inzi, Goddess of thieves and Nevy made goblins together, but have a strange relationship where neither quite trusts the other. Some say this is the cause of the great divide among Goblins, where some seem quite friendly, while others don't seem to grasp basic cooperation. Nevy however has many followers outside of goblins as he is the god of lies. Nevy enjoys lying, for fun, for gain, whatever reason. The truth is so... boring to Nevy and he thinks that even when the truth is necessary, a small seasoning of lies can even make the truth interesting. This does make Nevy a difficult god to be a cleric of, as Nevy himself also lies constantly. Many clerics have restricted themselves to yes/no questions with him and assume the opposite answer is the correct one.   [Picture once available]   Nevy is represented in most temples of conflict, but has very few places dedicated to him. Most civilizations are not fond of lying, therefor clerics of Nevy generally find themselves holding their meetings in secret to avoid being shut down.
Edict Take every advantage in a fight, Lie for your own gain   Anathema Show mercy, Give the truth for free   Follower Alignment LE, NE, CE   Divine Font Harm or Heal   Divine Skill Deception   Favoured Weapon Whip   Domains Ambition, Darkness, Secrecy, Trickery   Cleric Spells 1st Biting Words; 2nd Misdirection; 3rd Zone of Lies


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