Glaskish, Goddess of Tinkering

Glaskish, Goddess of Tinkering is a Lawful Good Goddess of the Pantheon of Society. Glaskis is insatiably curious and wants to use magic to do fascinating things. Glaskish respects that magical people can summon meteors from the sky, or create something from nothing, however Glaskis is more interested in the smaller scale. Tinkering with the little bits of magic to enhance every day items. How can you make this sword better? Can you make this ball float, and if you can what possibilities does that reveal. She is fascinated with the art of creation, and wishes people to master it, and often, the relics and artifacts of great power prized around the world, were created by her followers.   [Picture once available]   Glaskish can be found in most temples of society, but also has many churches around the world, but often has significant concentrations in areas with high dwarven and gnomish populations. Her churches tend to be a combination of a workshop and a library. Records of great and amazing inventions to spark ideas or help develop creations, and all the tools one could desire to create them, all available in one place. Many outsiders question how anyone learns anything in these establishments, but to the followers of Glaskish, this is a perfect environment for learning.
Edict choose and perfect an art, keep trying until you get it   Anathema destroy art or allow it to be destroyed, give up   Follower Alignments LG, NG, CG, LN, CN   Divine Font Heal   Divine Skill Crafting   Favoured Weapon Gauntlet   Domain Creation, Cities, Magic, Knowledge   Cleric Spells 1st Temporary Tool, 2nd Dismantle, 4th Creation


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