Ministry of Unity Organization in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Ministry of Unity

This Ministry operates at the Empirial level across all regions and cities of the empire. This ministry was created to promote and oversee "the Unity of Our Glorious Empire" through activities like quashing rebellions and disseminating propaganda. Over time, however, the Ministry grew increasingly fervent in their imperial devotion, twisting into a dark cult worshiping at the feet of The Immortal Emperor.
Tier: V
Hold: Strong
Turf: All of the Empire, but headquartered in the Imperial City
Notable Assets: They weild a relentless propaganda machine and the Angels of the Divine Emporer.


Next: The Path of Echoes
Prev: Ministry of Preservation
Category: Factions

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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper
Character flag image: Ministry of Unity Symbol by Randall Dunigan


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