Angels of the Divine Emperor Organization in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Angels of the Divine Emperor

Out of the fervor of the Ministry of Unity, rose The Angels of the Divine Emperor: a clandestine group of elite assassins and spies trained from a young age to act as unquestioning agents of the Emperor's will. Their training is rigorous and brutal, designed to weed out the weak of mind and body.

The Ministry is in constant fear that the Angels will band together against them. They brainwash them when they are young as one way to avoid an uprising. As a result, they harbor strange ideas and superstitions that are deep rooted in very real fear. They are not a loyal group. They constantly question and turn on each other. The slightest whiff of dissention or even anything less than passionate devotion to the emporer can get an angel turned in to their superiors. Thjis is met with harsh punishment or worse.

Angels are rarely briefed before a mission, often getting little more than a note from a stranger with only partial instruction, and in the rare cases when a debrief is esential, angels are always debriefed alone, maintaining the air of paranoia that haunts every angel.

The nature of the Angels has them operating in secret. Most common people in the Empire do not even believe in the angels. Their use over the past century has had them seep into the collectiv consciousness as a kind of boogieman.

"Sing the Emperial Anthem loud, or the Angels might disappear you."

"Eat all your caps or the Angels might come and make you eat them."

Even among adults, it is not uncommon to hear that deep seated fear come out in jokes or playful comments.

"Don't let the Angels hear you say that."

"Better be careful. I could be an Angel."

Tier: IV
Hold: Strong
Turf: All of the Empire, but headquartered in the Imperial City
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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper
Character flag image: Angels of the Divine Emperor by Randall Dunigan


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