Citizenry of Silkshore Organization in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Citizenry of Silkshore

Criss-crossed by dozens of narrow canals, Silkshore is a district best navigated by gondola, as most visitors to this “red lamp district” do. The brothels, vice dens, food stalls, and exotic shops all perch at the waterside, ready to satisfy the appetites of their clientele, no questions asked. Silkshore is a place of public indulgence and private indelicacy, catering to every pleasure imaginable—as well as some that strain the bounds of fantasy. [1]: 274
Tier: II
Hold: Strong
Turf: The citizens of Silkshore claim the district of Silkshore as their home.
Notable Assets: Purveyors of vice abound here. Any desire can be filled.
Quirks: Controlling all the vice of the city, many powerful citizens are under the control of this district.

[1] Harper, J., Acimovic, S., Nitter, S., Arden, V., Figueroa, D., Green, D., Nittner, D., & Shields, A. (2017). Blades in the Dark (v8.2). Evil Hat Productions.

Diplomacy Diagram not available

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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper
Character flag image: Citizens of Silkshore Symbol by Randall Dunigan


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