Citizenry of Brightstone Organization in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Citizenry of Brightstone

Brightstone is home to many of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of Doskvol. Its streets are broad and paved, under bright electric lights; its canals are sparkling and clean, with perfumed water; its houses are all of fine, pale marble blocks, rich timbers, and intricate ironworks. There are cultivated parks fed by radiant energy; lavish restaurants and cafes; jewelers, tailors, and other luxury shops. Street-side vendors are forbidden here, resulting in a serene, spacious atmosphere, punctuated by the occasional carriage or marching Bluecoat patrol. [1]: 258
Tier: IV
Hold: Strong
Turf: The citizens of Brightstone claim the district of Brightstone as their home.
Notable Assets: Much of the wealth and influence of the city lives here.
Quirks: The nobiliy are powerful, but out of touch. Their ignorance often provides opportunity for enterprising criminals, but the cost for getting caught is often grim.

[1] Harper, J., Acimovic, S., Nitter, S., Arden, V., Figueroa, D., Green, D., Nittner, D., & Shields, A. (2017). Blades in the Dark (v8.2). Evil Hat Productions.

Diplomacy Diagram not available

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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper
Character flag image: Citizens of Brightstone Symbol by Randall Dunigan


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