Bailiff Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Bailiffs keep order in the courts and look after the prisoners. Bailiffs are typically paid quite well. This makes it harder to bribe them.
Prestige: Bailiffs are still a blue colloar job. Considering their neighbors and friends are often the people they are watching, they aren't well liked.
Accoutrement: Bailiff's are outfitted similar to the Ironhook guards. They carry a truncheon but no pistol. They also typically have shackles on them.
Training: The training to be a Bailiff is typically the same as being an Ironhook Jailor. If you can hit someone very hard and know how to keep a captive, that's enough. If you can stand up straight and be quiet in a courtroom, that's a bonus.


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