Idia's Looking Glass Item in The Shattered Empire of Loria | World Anvil

Idia's Looking Glass

An innocuous looking, if not, intricate hand mirror with a polished silver reflective surface. The mirror itself is framed in fine silver and inlayed with gold and glimmer stones. The craftsmanship of this mirror is unmatched, nothing produced on Loria now, or in the past, compares to the sheer perfection of this mirror, save for the crack in the center of the mirror.  This crack is puzzling to scholars as the mirror itself appears to be indestructable, with amount of applied force even scratching the surface.  Scholars and occultists theorize that the crack was either caused by force of godlike proportions or is an intentional design feature of the mirror itself, perhaps both figuratively and literally being the crack between worlds that allows the viewer to peer into the Otherlands.

Manufacturing process

Mundane hand mirrors are made by skilled artisans of Loria, no artisan or occultist has been able to reproduce the mystical properties of Idia's Looking Glass.  The scholars and occultists of Loria can only assume this artifact was willed into existence by Idia herself.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Unknown, long before Lorians were created by the gods
Current Location
Idia's Looking Glass is a one of a kind artifact.  Its origins are unknown, but it is said to have been created by the goddess Idia herself long before Lorians walked the surface of Loria.  The Looking Glass has been referenced in many texts and historical records and has been in the possession of many of the royal families of Loria but its current location is unknown.
Raw materials & Components