Sea Hag Ethnicity in The Severed Expanse | World Anvil
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Sea Hag

Sea hags live in dismal and polluted underwater lairs, surrounded by Merrow and other aquatic monsters.
  Beauty drives a sea hag to fits of anger. When confronted with something beautiful, the hag might simply attack it or deface it. If something beautiful gives hope, a sea hag wants it to cause despair. If it inspires courage, the sea hag wants it to cause fear.
  Sea hags are by far the ugliest of all hags, with slimy scales covering their pallid skin. A sea hag's hair resembles seaweed and covers her emaciated body, and her glassy eyes seem as lifeless as a doll's. Although a sea hag can hide her true form under a veil of illusion, the hag is cursed to forever appear ugly. Her illusory form appears haggard at best.
Encompassed species


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