Nightmare Species in The Severed Expanse | World Anvil
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A nightmare appears in a cloud of roiling smoke, its mane, tail, and hooves wreathed in flame. The creature's unearthly black form moves with supernatural speed, vanishing in a cloud of brimstone as quickly as it appeared.   Also called a "demon horse" or "hell horse," the nightmare serves as a steed for creatures of exceptional evil, carrying Demons, Devils, Death Knights, Liches, Night Hags, and other vile monsters. It resembles a fiendish horse, and a nightmare's fiery red eyes betray its malevolent intelligence. A nightmare can be summoned from The Underworld, but unless a worthy sacrifice is offered to it as food upon its arrival, the nightmare displays no special loyalty to the creature it serves.   Nightmares don't appear naturally in the multiverse. They must be created from Pegasi. The ritual that creates a nightmare requires the torturous removal of a pegasus's wings, driving that noble creature to evil as it is transformed by dark magic.
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