Wine and You - A Guide to Wine Creation and Pairing Document in The Seventh Sphere | World Anvil

Wine and You - A Guide to Wine Creation and Pairing

Wine! Glorious, delectable, flavourful, wine, is the backbone of all cultures. No matter where you travel you will find at least one, or more commonly, several, wines. Whether you are touring the mountains of the kingdom of Stakuthar, or traipsing through the jungles of Goörngrador, or at home with your family, wine is a consistent part of life.   Here in my home, the villages of the Whispering Cliffs, wine and vinification IS life. Every home has a specialty crop of grape you can see climbing a garden trellis or hanging over purple-stained white stone cliffs.
Art & Culture
Jolath Verity
Authoring Date
1412 IR