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The Sea Del Segundo Aliento

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Stories spread far faster than any winds on the waves. So reached the story of La Piedra Flotante to the ports of Morocco. The ship was crewed by Spanish pirates, raiding trade vessels going from Lisbon to North Africa and vice versa. Eventually the ship's foolhardy captain bit at far more than they could chew, engaging a trade vessel with an escort of three Portuguese ships. Although they felled one escort La Piedra Fotante began to sink. But then a many clouds blanket the bright sky, the waves grew higher, and a mist encircled the ships. After they cleared, there was no sign of the pirate's wreckage. A similar event occurred when Scottish pirates were sank in the channel by the English navy. The rumours say that it's the very work of the god Neptune, whisking away the bold who have been lost before they could achieve their full potential. But to where, between the new world and the old none of these vanishing ships have been found. Skeptics claim coincidence, but seamen know better. There must be a land of infinite wealth and adventure somewhere, a new frontier. And if it takes the courage to look at death and spit in her cold face, then so be it.

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