Thalia Character in The Scarlet Domain | World Anvil


Mothers Chosen Thalia Midnight (a.k.a. Ash, Eedon, Sonja, Zylleth)

This fae female is a druid bard combo and can play a lot of different instruments, she also sings and tells stories to those who listen.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is healthy

Identifying Characteristics

Her purple eye's are her most identifying feature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thalia (not her true name) has lived a very long life, she will continue to until the universe doesn't need her anymore.   When she was young she loved to here stories of adventures, of the Fae who had left the Feywild and had found there way to new things. She liked them because she wasn't a girl in need of help, she was strong and fierce woman with the heart of gold.   You see she was hurt as a child, born to a fae father and a human mother, she was still fae, however that small human part of her contained a soul unlike that of the fae. She felt different, dancing with others, she didn't quite fit in so she started to make stories. She told them and people enjoyed them, she started singing them as well and enjoyed it too. She decided that she wanted to see places, she wanted to see the fire and feel the warmth that others felt. She asked others if they wanted to join her but that was not meant to be, so she left on her own.   She found a home on a material plane, she wasn't sure which one until she found her first mortal lover, Bucky Barns. They got married and it was lovely, she loves him a lot but they both new that he wouldn't be enough, he told her to find others that wouldn't mind that she had others. So she did, she has 4 husbands and she loves them all equally and they all lover her back.

Gender Identity

Female- She/Her




She was taught a lot by her parents and then she taught herself the rest.


She is a bard and a hero, sometimes more of an antihero but who's counting.

Personality Characteristics


To help those who need a little nudge in the right direction.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Nature, love, food, stories, music and family
Dislikes: Hate, spiders, being told what do do; watching people get hurt and war


Contacts & Relations

Her husbands, passed lovers that she is still friends with; druid circles and other fae.

Family Ties

Bucky Barns aka The Winter Soldier or The White Wolf- Blue Leather Ring
Jason Todd aka Red Hood- Red Leather Ring
Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell- White Leather Ring
Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount of Lettenhove aka Jaskier or Dandelion- Magenta Leather Ring

Religious Views

She knows the deities are out there and believes in them, but her loyalties lie with Mother Nature.

Hobbies & Pets

She has a companion who is a white wolf called Jack, she also has a pet raven called Sam. She helps the animals that are injured when she can and they like her for it.   Her main hobby is also her job, music but she also likes to read.

Wealth & Financial state

How ever much she can make with her music.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Traveling around the multiverse
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady and Archfey
Current Residence
She has homes all over the multiverse
Purple, glowing, large
Long, purple, blue, lilac
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, tattod
5'4 ft
130 lbs
Known Languages
All and teletherapy 120 ft


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