Casey Che Character in The Scarlet Domain | World Anvil

Casey Che

Casey Che (a.k.a. C.C.)

The rouge thief of the party.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Casey has a very lean body, appearing quite thin and strong.

Identifying Characteristics

Casey’s biggest identifying feature is amber eyes, and her black and red eyes when hungry or fighting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Casey Che, also known to everyone who meets her as CC, is a Scarlet Born currently residing in the Exiled Borough. Considering herself an outcast due to her hunger, and the unknown reason it plagues her, she stays away from most of humanity, at least when she can.   When Casey was a child, while in a blind rage and starving, she had killed her best friend while on a camping trip while visiting the Eastern Fox Woods with her family. She had blamed it on an accident and said she couldn't find her friend, but deep down she knew her family could see through her.   She spent years on the streets of Grassgate and Wildshore, making her way through life killing just enough to survive each month, only going home very rarely to show her parents she was still alive. It was clear this new Casey was not their daughter but some monstrous side of her that was hiding inside her all along.   Once Casey was old enough to travel alone, she left her home and never looked back. She now wanders Aeros, looking for answers, or at least a meal if that doesn't come too quickly...

Gender Identity

Female- She/Her




Casey has a standard education, with some prior experience with hunting.


Casey is unemployed, but occasionally takes missions to hunt monsters and people.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Casey’s biggest achievement in her life is being able to blend into society so well. Much of civilization is unable to see through her human disguise.

Failures & Embarrassments

Casey’s biggest failure in life was that she lost a full meal while very hungry, as the guard found the corpse before she was able to eat. This resulted in her having to hunt in a town desperately.

Mental Trauma

Casey has PTSD from killing her friend, which surfaces as depression occasionally. She’s also unable to stand being around others of her kind, as it brings more depression, reminding her of the monster she is.

Personality Characteristics


Casey wishes to find out more about her people. She also wishes to find a more accessible form of food.

Likes & Dislikes

Casey loves the taste of flesh, as it’s the only food she can truly enjoy. She enjoys travelling, as it allows her to see the beauty of the world while she is sane.   Casey hates the guard, and sees them only as an obstacle to get through. Casey also dislikes her own kind, only due to internalised self hatred.

Personality Quirks

Casey, when hungry, tends to scratch at her hand to attempt to focus on something else, and is very obvious despite trying to hide it.


Contacts & Relations

Casey’s only remaining family is her mother and father, who currently live in Cragpass.

Family Ties

Her mother and father.

Religious Views

Casey has no favourable views on religion and tends to rely on the more demonic and fiendish side of the scale, believing that’s where she came from.


Casey believes she’s better than everyone around her, she made it through her struggle, and this shows in the way she acts and talks. She is very self righteous.

Hobbies & Pets

Casey has no pets. Her main hobby is her ‘work’, tracking animals through the forests for practice on her own skills. She also enjoys watching the regular inhabitants of towns live as it gives her another perspective of life.

Wealth & Financial state

Casey is not rich at all, living off what is essentially pocket change to many.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
6th of Vimisk, 283 AM
Year of Birth
283 AM 19 Years old
Light amber colour, rather pleasing to the eye
Short wavy, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, from hiding herself a lot during the day
5'7 ft
120 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Thieves’ Cant


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