Yuiko Crawford in The Rising Dracon | World Anvil
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Yuiko Crawford

Yuiko Crawford is most notably known as the owner of the bar Empyrean and stands at a height of 5’7”. She isn’t natural born either. A scientist named Sayoko Crawford was doing genetic experimentation on cloning and took her own DNA along with some of her mother’s to grow the clone Yuiko. During the cloning process she changed the genetic makeup of her sister to make her species into that of a lion rather than a normal cat, while experimenting and giving her traits of their ancestors such as red hair. Sayoko sped up the growth process and implantation of knowledge and information into her brain so Yuiko would be physically, and mentally the same age as her creator. After many tests and adjustments during her growth, she was released from the lab and adopted as Sayoko’s sister. To help Yuiko grow as an individual, her sister and creator bought a bomb shelter and had it renovated into a bar, gifting it to her.   She is a strong woman with fair skin and quite the attitude. She wears a usual bar suit when on shift but wears a tank top beige jacket if she’s ever spotted outside of it. While being a good listener to the patrons of her bar and hosting different performers and people to play, she doesn’t let anyone mess with her business or her workers. On occasions that someone does try to cause trouble, metal straws can be found imbedded in the protruding rock walls of the bar.


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