Chet Yuvaves Character in The Rising Dracon | World Anvil
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Chet Yuvaves

Silent, judgemental, methodical, and a man of few words. Yuvaves serves as a Beastiarian Eijas of the Arkimedes Company. He has years of experience with hundreds of animal species that are constantly illegally transported in and out of the high-end district of Marketta . He often stares daggers into his clients and sellers alike. Due to his methodical and cautiously worded speech, he is incredibly difficult to read even to his peers in the business.   He wears traditional I'lix Coalition clothing and although he does not speak about it often he keeps his traditional values close to heart. It is unknown his estimated net worth but he is well respected by many that approach Marketta.
" Yuvaves, Eijas, Beastiarian. I would like the carcass by tomorrow. I understand that will be easily done?"


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