Phandalin Settlement in The Risen World | World Anvil
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by Scarecrovv
  1. Route naar Neverwinter & Dardin
  2. Route naar Rotsland
  3. Huis van Orchard Edermath
  4. Barten’s provisions
  5. RustySteel Smith
  6. Stonehill Inn
  7. Shrine of Luck
  8. Sister Garaele's Huis
  9. Kerkhof
  10. Townmaster's Hall
  11. Sleeping Giant Inn
  12. Tresendar Manor
  13. Anderleaf's Boarderij
  14. Harbin Wester's Huis
  15. Lionshield Coster
  16. Phandalin Miner's Exchange
  17. Houthakker

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