Fornradur Infernospit, The Red Emperor Character in The Ring of Fire and Dragons. | World Anvil

Fornradur Infernospit, The Red Emperor

Emperor Forn Radur Saryx, Zyreph (a.k.a. Infernospit)

Though he was defeated almost two centuries past, the name "Fornradur" still silences conversations, usually with a cold sweat of fear, though among some a moment of reverence.   Under Fornradur, the Red Empire was at least stable, if mostly stagnent. Imperial guards kept the empire's peace, while trade and certain churches were encouraged. Those that curried the imperial favor flourished. However, miners, especially dwarves, were often the target of severe "taxes, tributes and tithes." During this time, many dwarven communities retreated again to the underdark, or at least to semi-secret settlements far underground.   Towards the last hundred years or so of his life, Fornradur became increasingly unstable. He experienced delusions of godhood, often appearing as a celestial being. Although those with sufficient insight saw through the illusions, many were convinced, and a cult worshippong the dragon grew in popularity. As a god, he demanded traditional games, particularily Phaistian Bull Jumping, be held in his name. Watching in humanoid form from the emperor's box, he cheered on the bull. Any who fell in the arena were set apart as sacrifices to the god, and later eaten by the dragon.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Having long been a crime boss and power broker in the Ti'Swaq alliance, as he approached his 15 hundredth year, he became desirous of being an outright emperor. With the help of the brigadier and his 50, raised an army and drove the orc raiders from Awsranka and proclaimed himself Grand Protector, later declaring himself Emperor. Towards the end of his reign, he started calling himself god-emperor.

Failures & Embarrassments

A folktale told around Grytack involved the lost Silfur mine and a young red dragon. The timelines don't match up, but some speculate that it is a merging of a more recent historical event on a much older account.

Morality & Philosophy

Consided every item of value in its territory legitamtly his. Demanded those intersting to him be presented as "tribute" or "taxes" or "tithes" dempending on who was doing the offering. Highest goal = ammasing a "comforatble" horde in each of his five lairs. Biggest fear = someone /thing stealing from his horde. Even the mention of this would send him into a blind fuge of fury and paranoia.   In the last hundred years of his life, he truely believed himself to be a god, demanding absolute obedience, human sacrifice, and heavy "tithes."
Chaotic Evil
Date of Death
18th of Floodsebb, 1412
473 BCE 1412 CE
Circumstances of Death
Defeated by Eagleswatch
Place of Death
Mt Ashblood
As burning embers, but clouded
ash grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
skin is parchment-like / scales like embers in a dying fire
6'7" / 15' tall, wingspan 40', length 40'
185 lbs / 3,700 tonnes
Believed himself to be a god
see also: The Awsrankan Revolution: Battle of Mt Ashblood


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