Awsrankan Agricultural Practices Technology / Science in The Ring of Fire and Dragons. | World Anvil

Awsrankan Agricultural Practices

Starting Points


Mediteranian Contributions. When the Phaistians arrived in Awsranka, they were fleeing imminent destruction in their homeland, far off Greece in an another echo of the material plane. While they were hastily evacuating, they had ample time to assembe seed stock from the palace stores to bring with them. (wheat, barley, vetch and chickpeas. Flax and poppies for seed and perhaps opium. Also brought were seedlings of grapes, figs and olives. ) They brought with them the wooden plow, knowledge of how to create terraces and build small dams for water security and irrigation. Thei farm impliments were usually bronze with wooden handles. The only livestock they were able to bring were a small herd of sheep, and 14 royal cattle; 4 bulls and 10 cows. Many of the evacuees were artisans and skilled craftspeople, but also a good number of workers and farmers. Naturally, the upperclass was well represented.


The decades that followed did much to create a more meritocratic society. Especially in the early days, if you didn't work, you didn't eat. In their first settlement by the Miskafiska River, they survived as an intact culture by using their long-honed skills of dipolmacy and trade when interacting with the eastern Ti'Sqal peoples. By the middle of the second decade, they were adding olives and figs back to their diet. The sheep prospered inspite of themselves, and soon wool cloth becames a major trade item. The cattle, however did not do as well until they interbred with the local bison, bringing much needed genetic diversity to the herd. Of course, this did not improve the bull's temperments, but one adjusts.


Local contributions. While the coastal tribes did not need to have much to do with agriculture, those living farther from the abundance of the ocean, the tribes near the Phastian settlement, did share with them the three sisters - maize, beans, and squash. The Phastians were also introduced to the idea of "forest gardens"; the practice of long term investment in the untilled land to promote the growth of flora useful for foods and other needs. The non-native tress they had brought with them were tolerant of the arid conditions, and so thrived. FIgs, olives, pinion pine, as well as the local berry canes, were grown in and near the settlement. Most tilled fields were deliberatly built on terraced land irrigated by limited divergence of the many small streams.

Although the Phastians had not been able to bring donkeys with them, they did have the knolwdge of the yoke and plow. After much negitiation and trade with the people in the Free Lands, the Phastians were able to aquire some horses native to Makasing. Many generations of selectiv breeding (somewhat distasteful to the tribes, but deemed a necessity and carried on with respect and descretion), have resulted in the awsrankan pony, a gentle draft animal and farmer's friend.


Ostian contributions. While the expidetion led by Snaebjorn was intended to start a settlement, the norse of that time did not rely much on agriculture, save for overwintering fodder for their animals. In any case, the seed they would have brought would not have been well adapted for the growing conditions in Awsranka. They did, however bring milk cows and goats along with their skill in animal husbandry, leather craft, and early iron metalworking. As they came through the Northwest passage, Ti'Sqal tribes "strongly" encouraged them to keep moving east up the Miskafiska River, where they encountered the well established Phaistians. Interestingly, one of Snaebjorn's crew spoke Greek, and a connection was recognized between these two displaced peoples. Once the Ostians realized that the Phastianz had HONEY (which means you can make MEAD), they settled there and eventually integrated. For the Phastian's part, the Ostian's cattle also brought great value to the match. So everyone was generally pleased.


Impact of Magic on Agriculture

Divine Spellcasters

Upon arriving on this echo, Pasiphae felt her connection with Helios dim to a bare whisper. However, she was a daughter of the gods, and was not deterred. She consulted with the royal oricle and then performed the various purification rituals of her traditions, pouring out libations of olive oil and wine, and a burnt offering of grain. She called no gods demanding blood sacrifice, only those who would help her people prosper without the bloodshed of man in battle or beast on the alter. The Holy Three answered her prayers: Eldath, the peacful; Chauntea, the Grain Mother; and Waukeen, the merchant's friend. Shrines were built and clerics chosen. Druids arose within these ranks, taught the Circle of the Land - by Chauntea, and Circle of the Moon - by Eldath. Agricultural efforts were directed by the Circle of the Land. In addition, "forest garden" work was overseen by both circles. Druids of the Circel of the Moon were charged with conservation of the native flora and fauna, especially the lynchpin species of the reagional food supply, the salmon. By adopting local forest based agriculture and utilizing divine magic to augment irrigation practices, the Phastians were able to grow much of their favored food crops without detrimental impact on the watershed or salmon populations.


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