8. Klarg's Cave in The Ring of Fire and Dragons. | World Anvil

8. Klarg's Cave

The leader of the goblinoids insists on keeping the bulk of the raider's stolen goods in his den. The Cragmaw plunder from the last month of raiding and ambushing travelers is here.

Klarg the Bugbear shares this cave with his mangy pet wolf Ripper, and two goblins. The bugbear is filled with delusions of grandeur and views himself as a mighty warlord just beginning his career of conquest. His is not entirely sane, referring to himself in the third person. The goblins under his command resent his bullying.

Run encounter


If Klarg is warned by the goblins in area 7 that the hideout is under attack, he and his wolf will hide stalagmites while the goblins take cover behind the piles of supploes (+2 to AC), hoping to ambush the PCs when they enter the cave.

If Klarg and company are not warned about possible attackers, the PCs have a good chance to surpries them.

If the wolf is killed, the bugbear attempts to climb down the chimney to area 3 and flee the cave complex.


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