Mount Ceyzedh Geographic Location in The Return | World Anvil
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Mount Ceyzedh

A mountain lying just northwest of Sanpoi, Ceyzedh is known for the small complex of ruins nestled near its peak.


Mount Ceyzedh is a moderately sized mountain home to a ghostly complex of ruins unlike any other in Northwest Aydah. These ruins, the remains of the Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort, have long since been picked clean of any valuables, but a small hamlet remains inhabited just outside the ruins of the resort, home to about 20 people, mostly loggers and their families who help supply Sanpoi's sawmills. The hamlet is supplied by and dependent on Sanpoi for food, so the location is essentially within the town's sphere of influence.

Natural Resources

The forests of Mount Ceyzedh are an important source of larch, spruce, and cedar wood, which are shipped down to nearby Sanpoi regularly.
Alternative Name(s)
Schweitzer, Shvekcer
Mountain / Hill
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Owning Organization
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