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The Brush of Aluna (ah-loon-ah)

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A brush that uses magical enchantments to suspend water at its tip rather than using animal hairs for the fibers.  
Sought after by many bards and artists, The Brush of Aluna is a unique artifact with only three sizes ever made.  
All three versions are made of yellow seaglass for the handle from the Isles of Prosperity. At the end where the enchantment lies is a small stone disk enchanted by Aluna Skyfall, a elven wizard primarily known for her collection of magical items. The handle is thin at the ends and widens as it gets closer to the brush head. The brush itself is enchanted water which maintains its shape the same as any regular paintbrush. Using specific command words, the brush can self-clean paint and control opacity/density of pigment to the users exact specifications.  
Besides having a collector's value thanks to the fame of Aluna Skyfall, the Brush of Aluna is sought after because it can be used to create perfect watercolor tapestries with very little effort and basic knowledge of its operation. In the hands of a master, the Brush of Aluna enables the user to accurately match colors by simply spotting the color out in the wild. It is the ultimate tool for painting and has inhabited the dreams of many bards and artists who hope to one day cradle the yellow seaglass handle in their arms.  
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Aluna Skyfall herself was not a painter but kept the brushes in her collection simply because she enjoyed making interesting items. Currently the size 3 Brush of Aluna is the only one available to view by the public at the Halon Conservatory in the Shallow Calms. Use of the brush is only done by invitation except for its conservator, Vyrn Gesson, who uses the brush on weekends to put on large art exhibitions and workshops for the Bard College at the Halon Conservatory.
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