The Elemental Chaos Geographic Location in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

The Elemental Chaos


The Elemental Chaos is an untamed, chaotic realm of pure elemental power, where the forces of the four elements constantly clash and mingle.he very fabric of reality is unstable and unpredictable here, and even the strongest mortal adventurers must tread carefully. The sheer raw power of the elements can easily overwhelm and destroy those who are unprepared or unwary.

The Primordials

The Elemental Chaos is home to the powerful and dangerous primordials, ancient beings of immense elemental power, who were here long before the gods or mortals existed. The primordials are fierce and unpredictable, with power that dwarfs even the mightiest of the gods. They embody the elements themselves and can bend them to their will.

Destruction Incarnate

In the Elemental Chaos, entire regions can shift and change, with raging storms, raging fires, and devastating earthquakes all happening in the same area in quick succession. The very ground itself can open up and swallow whole armies. Mortals who venture into the Elemental Chaos without proper protection or guidance are playing a dangerous game, and few ever return to tell the tale.
Great Wheel Model


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