Ardrim Halsson Character in The Realms of Elementia | World Anvil

Ardrim Halsson

Honour... is such a big word. Don't you think? A word... the biggest of words. It means so much, in so little. It can topple mountains in its name. It's kind of like... faith? Yes. Honour is like faith. It takes a great deal to get anything done, but as soon as its broken, it can't be brought back. You only get one shot at honour. I took mine... but I prefer maps, I think.
- A slightly drunk Ardrim Halsson.


Ardrim Halsson is a Hàlogi cartographer and ex-fire mage travelling across the country to charter and map out the various countries, cities and coastlines of Elementia. He uses no offensive fire magic, and seemingly has sworn off of it completely. He can be found in one of Steelport's many inns, drinking in his room or by the docks looking longingly into the marina, seemingly waiting for a ship that will never come.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ardrim has suffered some scars from the Devastation, but his main wounds are mental rather than physical. He often smells of spirits and rubbing alcohol, rather than soap, except when he's covered in ink, or has coal smeared fingertips from the hours spent sketching the edges of the long coastlines and borders of various countries. His hair is kept as pristine as possible and he is lithe from the constant travels and hikes across Elementia.

Body Features

Ardrim has kept the burns and markings of his people hidden. The roiling patterns of coppery tattooes lace up his skin and chest. His eyes are bit more difficult to hide, the tell-tale burning embers of fire magic do dim with drink, but surface back when rage or passion take over. He also bears a few scars from the Devastation, namely scorched palms and cuts along his arms and shoulders.

Apparel & Accessories

Everyday Carry
Ardrim wears a simple travel tunic, the colours of black and with slight red trims. He has sturdy leather walking boots and a staff that doubles as his catalyst for magic. Namely, he carries a heavy satchel filled to the brim with parchment, charcoal sticks, ink and quills that he uses for his profession; as well as half a dozen ingredients he carries around to distill his own spirit when staying around for long periods of time. Lastly, he wears a thick oilskin cloak and hood to protect him from foul-weather when on the road.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ardrim is the son of a lesser noble of a lesser faction from the Hàlogi people. Gifted early with the knowledge of fire magic, he went on to become a skilled and powerful sorcerer for his family, and soon joined the Devastation on the side of the Shadow. During his time on the front, he would be ordered to set many fields, settlements and houses ablaze. To smoke out the enemy, of course. It wasn’t always the case. Since then he has decided to wander the world and indulge in his hobby as a cartographer.


Ardrim is mostly a self sufficient cartographer, having funded his own tools, parchment and measuring equipment. Before the Devastation, Ardrim was part of the Hàlogi tribe's warrior caste, protecting and serving the in the Hearthlord's armies. When the time came to pick sides, he more than enthusiastically joined in on the side of the Legion of the Harbinger, and the Boann Tribe. His goal, as a fire mage, however quickly became grim when harnessed by the cold efficiency of the Legion. He can still hear the screams. He used to map the location of enemy villages for his team members, now he would rather chart the coastlines of a changed world, and lose himself in mapmaking. He is currently being employed as a cartographer for the Magistrates of Steelport.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ardrim considers himself quite the proficient cartographer, selling various complex pieces to collectors and travelling merchants across the many provinces of Elementia. He has managed to map out much of the northern provinces, stopping only before the frigid reaches of the Jormar people. As he awaits for a ship to head south, he has also taken upon himself to map out the city of Steelport for the Magistrates of the city.
  • A grim truth remains: Before this, he was a proficient fire mage, and a capable tactician, working for his lord's armies to smoke out the enemy hidden in villages across the country during the Devastation. He often went beyond enemy lines to spy and chart the positions of various settlements and camps for his higher officers. He still carries the last map he chartered before the end of the war with him.
Current Status
Travelling the world as a cartographer.
Year of Birth
29 1285 Years old
Current Residence
The Lone Dragon Inn, in Steelport
An embery red
Long, sleek raven black hair, tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
78 kg
The Burning Heart, Dogma of the Hàlogi

Personal Details:
  • Ardrim has taken upon himself to brew his own drinks finding that nobody on this side of the mountain seems to be able to do so properly. He's been increasing the percentage of his alcohol with every batch, as if on a mission to blast his liver to pieces. On another note, he greatly enjoys travelling and mapping out the regions he travels to, talking to the locals and garnering what information he can on local myths and family stories. Finally, combining his fire magic with his love of brewing, Ardrim has developed a burgeoning yet keen interest in fire breathing.
  • Ardrim is an alcoholic, and has a dangerous appetite for increasingly strong spirits. If gifted alcohol, he will undoubtly drink it and turn into a sadder, more depressed and self-loathing version of himself. Ardrim still dreams of the people he burned during the Devastation. He has sworn off destructive magic, yet every time he casts a spell he can still smell the stench of charred flesh, he hears their screams too.

Virtues & Vices
  • Passionate, soulful, honorable & sharp.
  • Loathsome, cynical, addicted & solitary.


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