Tiadda Character in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Tiadda (a.k.a. Little Spark)

Kind, friendly, and determined to move past the anxieties that resulted from her relatively isolated upbringing. After stumbling into the adventuring trade, Tiadda soon found herself becoming a more than capable adventurer. Despite frequently becoming entangled in events far larger than her, she is always determined to set things right.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall asura with a more robust body type (a little on the plump side, but quite fit). Frequent exercise has lead to a fairly high fitness level, with strength and agility to match. She's quite quick on her feet, with a good sense of balance.

Body Features

Pale white skintone, with patches of dark grey, particularly on the ears and around the eyes.

Facial Features

Her face has soft features, with a smooth yet somewhat angular jaw. She has natural dark rings around her eyes, dark grey lips, as well as a pinkish, almost cat-like nose freckled with dark spots that trail up toward her forehead.

Identifying Characteristics

Bright yellow eyes, fairly big ears, almost grey scale in appearance.

Physical quirks

She possesses a somewhat tentative body language in new situations, but is quick to smile and engage with others if she finds herself comfortable. She tends to stand up straight to speak and act politely in official seeming circumstances or around her closest family.
In battle, she becomes fully immersed. With determination her senses attune themselves to the situation. As she works to retain her focus and composure, little room is left for banter until the battle has concluded.

Special abilities

Can conjure barriers in various shapes to provide offense, defense and support. She can project a type of force to create thrust and movement, as well as to manipulate opponents. Can syphon ambient aether and convert it to a compatible variant.

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses in a variety of garments for work and leisure, but prefers the traditional, colourful clothing of the asura. Her hair is always done up using a set of accessories with a golden metallic finish.

Specialized Equipment

Various equipment, often from the League of Bro. Currently a specialized suit, a set of goggles, and a scarf to warm her neck. She also carries a set of grappling hooks, which she has come to use in a more unique fighting style.

Mental characteristics




College of Dynamics
Various courses from the College of Statics curriculum.


MMK - Krewe Member/Employee
Karmic Adventurers - Freelancer
League of Bro - Agent
Legion of the Mistward - Member

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduated the College of Dynamics.
Was a member of the Magimateriel Krewe.
Neutralized a wide variety of threats.
Contributed to the reunions of several families, across worlds included.
Defeated a Black Hole class energy being.

Failures & Embarrassments

'Only' average college results.
Anxiety and self-esteem issues.
Social inexperience.
Never quite achieved the kind of success that would lead to approval from her parents.

Intellectual Characteristics

Spatial, Musical, Logical, Emotional

Morality & Philosophy

Wishes to do good, but her morals are loose enough that the right people (i.e. friends and others she looks up to) may lead her to act in ways she otherwise wouldn't. In other words, she may put the opinion of those she value higher than her own philosophies.


Theft, lying, disrespectful behaviour.
Generally selfish behaviour.

Personality Characteristics


Tiadda believes it is her responsibility - and a sign of respect - to act according to what would bring the most happiness and safety to the majority of people.
She aspires to become her best self, and by doing so hopes to help the people around her as best she can. Not to mention earn the approval of her family.
Generally curious, she loves learning about new things and asking lots of questions. Adventuring, exploration, and meeting new people lay squarely within her interests.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

While she is unlikely to say so herself, she is quite adept at working with asuran magitech. Comparable to an eletrician, she would have a good idea of how magitech is powered, and how it may be repaired in the event of failure.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: food (sea food especially), pastries, exercise, plants, reading, music, swimming, flying, pets, her friends, her family, Calagg, working on magitech, adventuring, exploring, meeting new people, learning new things, the colours blue and red.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind, friendly, curious, hard-working.

Vices & Personality flaws

Occasionally anxious, submissive, paranoid, likes sugary foods.


Always maintained. Showers frequently, and always makes sure she and her clothes are clean and proper looking, something that also extends to her home. Her rule of thumb is: always expect a surprise visitor.


Family Ties

Tessa & Kudd - Mother and Father
Further relatives on each side.

Religious Views

Loose belief in the Eternal Alchemy.

Social Aptitude

A little socially inexperienced, but has managed to learn much since her days as a college student. She has a generally friendly disposition and tries to get along with everyone as best she can. She loves asking questions to sate her curiosity.


While a bit more tentative and searching in her speech at times, as long as she is comfortable she is happy to engage in conversation.
Often taps or scratches herself with her fingers when in thought.
Rubs at her neck or arm when anxious or unsure.
Often she straightens herself into a polite, proper posture when engaging with her close family or in official seeming situations. It also often comes up when she wishes to impress and give a good first impression.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys exercise, including bodyweight, agility and combat training, as well as running.
Likes food, caring for plants, reading, music, swimming and flying. Enjoys learning about new things in general.
She cares for her riding raptor Bite, as well as the group of griffons she and Calagg have befriended.


Speaks with a clear sounding voice. Quite happy when she is comfortable, but sometimes tentative and searching in her choice of words when not. However, she is generally always polite.

Wealth & Financial state

As membership in the League of Bro generously covers matters of living space, food, hygiene, and practically any basic need one might have, Tiadda does not worry about her economy at this time.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Fateless (formerly)
Year of Birth
Rata Sum
Current Residence
Lady Rhapsody
Bright Yellow
Black Gray hair fashioned into multiple ponytails and adorned with accessories in Antique Gold.
40.5 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue (Tyria) Asuran, New Krytan Scripts
English (Earth) Latin Script

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